I came up with this because I don't want my Benefit Some Kind-A Gorgeous Foundation to be used up too fast. Go check out that vid on my youtube page. It tells you how good that product is. Also in the summer, you don't want heavy coverage.
Here are the steps:
1. Wash your face
2. Moisturize your face
3. Wait 1 min for the moisturizer to sink into your skin
4. Apply Tinted Moisturizer
- use a pea size for each cheek and a split a pea size for all of forhead nose and chin
- use a big fluffy brush and apply the moisturizer in circular motion
- make sure you don't apply too much or else it gets oily
- you just want a bit of color
http://www.marcelle.com/Produits/Maquillage/Par-type-de-produits/Visage/Fond-de-teint/Fluide-hydratant-teinte-translucide-FPS-15---Beige.aspx5. Apply powder
- use a big fluffy brush to gently go over your whole face in a circular motion
- I use Almay Clear Complexion Pressed Powder
- I think it works better with loose powder
- I recommend Almay.. google it up
So why don't I just use the tinted moisturizer to moisturize my face?
- That is cuz it doesn't work well to moisturize the face
P.S. Sorry I haven't made vids for a week b/c I've been sick. I will make more vids soon.